Structure your manufacturing company with Exact Globe ERP

Production is a complex, time-consuming process that involves many factors. Certainly, some of these factors are external and difficult to control. For example, lack of raw materials, lack of resources or high electricity prices.

But fortunately, there are other factors that are controllable and that you can change. Which is to create a business structure that allows you to understand, correct and control your business processes.

Sign up or log in to our demo center HERE and see for yourself how our solutions can improve the way your company works.

This demo is also now available in other languages

Esta publicação também está disponível em: Português Español

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If so, all you need to do now is sign up for the demo Structure your manufacturing company with Exact Globe ERP, to start understanding how we can help your manufacturing business reach a new level of operating results.

Transforme a sua empresa de produção com o Erp Exact Globe

Want to know more about this demonstration?

Who is this demonstration for?

This demonstration is for all production managers. And for all who want to manage their production business in a more structured, organized, transparent and profitable way.

How long thas it last?

This demonstration takes approximately 30 minutes. It is in English but you can also consult it in other languages, if available. All you need to do is sign up for the demo in the new language you select.

Is it free? Will it always be available?

This demo is completely free and it will always be available. All you need to do is register in our demo center. And once you've registered, the demo is always available for you to view.

It's a technical demonstration?

This demonstration is intended to show you, how you can manage your production business with the help of our solutions. The main focus is showing you processes and ways of working. So it's not a technical demonstration, it is focused in business management.

What will you learn from this demonstration

How to benefit from a complete solution that allows you to carry out all your daily operations

How to simplify your ordering and production processes and communicate easily with the shop floor using smart tools

How to optimize your stock levels with MRP

How to digitize your warehouses and shop floors with a shop floor and picking applications connected to the ERP

How to achieve more accuracy, speed, and assertiveness in your warehouse and in the distribution of your products

How to have more productivity, transparency in processes and more overall profitability in your business

What is the content of the demonstration

Warehouse management

  • How to create and maintain warehouses
  • How to create and maintain locations within the warehouse
  • View of purchases pending to enter the warehouse
  • View of sales pending to be shipped
  • View of products linked to the warehouse
  • View of resources that have rights to interact with the warehouse

Production Management

Product Management

Management Product/BOM

Production Order Management

Product Movement

Execute and control production

Movement of the final/intermediate product

Supply of stores/warehouses

Reporting & Business Intelligence

Gain more productivity, transparency and overall profitability in your production business

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